Irvan,23 November 2006
Is there something wrong with my words?
Is there evil in my words?
Let us praise the almighty Allah the Compassionate and Merciful
Only Allah is entitled to be worshiped, and the only god
How the power of Allah stretches of sky and earth
And other supernatural nature we do not know
All these are creatures, servants
Submissive and obedient to the provisions
Look at the vast ocean, underneath there is a lot of life
There's wind and waves and boats and ships on it
Do you not think how great Allah and his power?
Why do not you grateful?
With the worship of Allah alone, with pious charity
Doing good and preventing and prohibiting the ugliness
and crime
Monotheism, prayer, alms, fasting, pilgrimage is part of the goodness
Shirk, adultery, alcohol, usury, consuming an orphan's property,
Killing without right are some of the ugliness
With the permission of Allah, the means of life has been facilitated
The technology of hard work and permission of Allah
Give thanks to Allah and His road use
Armored vehicles, fighter planes, guns, bombs, nuclear, missiles, warships are the tools of war
Mobile, telephone, radio, computers are
Tools that help to street Allah
So wear! it all when it was time
Are you arrogant towards other human beings because of wealth and power?
Whether it's because you think your hard work, your intelligence
Irvan Hermawan Saichu